Hello, we’re
Electric creative

We believe entertainment is what sparks wonder and creates spectacle to inspire.

With backgrounds in both live performance and video production, we’ve come together in the love of entertainment to craft strategic storytelling through the eyes of the audience.

Marybeth Dinges

Chris Ruggiero

Marybeth is a Swiss Army Knife of photo & video production. With a background in Advertising, Public Relations, and Commercial Production, she approaches all content through eyes of compelling storytelling. Marybeth has written, produced, shot, and edited everything from portrait photos to regional SuperBowl Ads.

Within Electric Creative she brings organized producing, storytelling strategy, shooting, and editing in both photo and video that displays the authentic magic of entertainment.

Chris is the mastermind of engaging content creation. With his 10+ years of live performing experience, Chris entered the content field with the mind to create content that captures what it means to love entertainment. From LA to ATL, he has helped entertainers of all sizes craft an experience that excites audiences.

Within Electric Creative he brings content strategy, capture strategy, shooting, lighting, and audio that makes the viewer feel like part of the show.

Events aren’t one-size fits all.

We create content:

  • From a strategic viewpoint with our live performing and production expertise that focuses on specific goals and adds to the experience

  • That captures stunning visuals and highlights the most iconic moments for all to remember and makes viewers feel like they were there

  • That’s stealthy without disrupting the in-person experience for the audience, guests, and event/attraction crew

Our Theory